Sunday, April 7, 2019


OK, I was flailing around a bit, and didn't get up early enough, but really that is a respectable day. Did my 1hr as 1:1, very nice; realized I wouldn't have time to digest before 3pm hot yin yang but that teacher Dominique also offers a 4:45 non-hot basic hatha class; went to the office to work for a couple hours (procrastinating getting started on this short Pamela variations piece - did finally do the one more bit of work I needed to be able to (re)submit my wretched receipts for reimbursement, tidied up office b/c it was in Gibbonian squalor, etc. etc.); remembered a 6pm phone appointment that would PREVENT me from going to aforementioned yoga, and gnashed my teeth; emailed the colleague in question who very kindly said 7pm (her 1pm) would be fine - so YES, 1.5hr hatha 1 in NON-hot room....

This week seems a little chaotic. I am leaving on Friday for two weeks in Cayman but I also have quite a few extra things scheduled. Will just try and keep my cool!

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