Sunday, May 15, 2011

My first century!

(Will not be so wildly irrational as to say first of MANY, but certainly I hope first of SOME!)

Fuller report to follow later.  Pleased with time and heartrate zones, not so pleased with heavy rain at the start and four flats; SUPER pleased the fourth came literally at the finish (rode last ten miles on tenterhooks having used the three tubes I had and not at all sure I would have the gall to beg a fourth of a passerby!)

Waiting in Montauk for 5:30 train home - in the meantime, enjoying very lavish finish-line refreshments, including free Mr. Softee!


Brent Buckner said...

Excellent - enjoy treats!

Lauren Klein said...

Hurray! So glad this worked out! Also, FWIW, flats are much more likely in the rain. I don't think it's proven by science, but certainly by experience!

intentsandpurposes said...

YAY! Wow 4 flats?!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Nicely done! Four flats though?! Gosh, I didn't get a single flat on my first century or the 200 mile ride I did (over two days). I hope this isn't foreshadowing of your IM bike!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about it in more detail. Four flats means you are well practiced at changing your tubes, which means it will be no big deal if it happens on race day. You will be prepared!!