Sunday, May 25, 2014


That was GLORIOUS! It was also incredibly slow, but I really don't care - just glad to be out there. This has been a very good year for me both personally and professionally, but fitness suffered from an almost comically copious series of setbacks (and of course there is a cascade effect in that the less you are running the more easily a subsequent setback prevents you from running at all!): 3 10-day bouts of bronchitis in December and January; a winter so cold that asthma prevented me from exercising outside (i.e. running, my most time-efficient form of exercise) and limited my ability to get to Chelsea Piers; an extremely demanding workload; a major parental health crisis; conference and other lecture travel; the death of B.'s father, necessitating another emergency extra trip; and, bathetically, a series of extremely painful foot blisters - TMI! - from the liquid nitrogen freezing the podiatrist used over half a dozen meetings to blast plantar warts....

1hr extremely easy (4:00 jog, 1:00 walk), c. 4.8mi

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