Friday, May 16, 2014

Unorthodox non-workouts

I am having an amazing week in Israel, only Tuesday was altogether consumed with an ambitious rota of sightseeing, and on Wednesday I was working hard to finish getting ready for my lectures at the university in the afternoon. Yesterday we went to Jerusalem, where I had what is perhaps the most extraordinary stair workout imaginable - the Ramparts Walk in Jerusalem! It must have been about two hours of really quite vigorous walking, with elevated HR and lots and lots of stairs (the downs are harder than the ups, as the steps are quite deep and you have to concentrate to keep your footing), and my quads are pleasantly sore today, so I think it's fair to log it as a workout....

I had hoped to run this morning, but I had a bit of a sore throat last night and this morning, and it's clear that I have an impending minor respiratory infection, so I decided not to. Instead I walked down the beach promenade from my hotel to Jaffa and back. Will log that too: c. 5.5mi, 2hr.

(May go for an easy swim later depending on how respiratory ailment develops.)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Ooh, I have never done that walk, it sounds fantastic.