Thursday, December 15, 2011

#12 of 30

It was fortuitous: last week at our mutual friend I.'s talk, I saw graduate student H. and learned that she is teaching a class at the local gym I used to belong to.  It is NIA, non-impact aerobics (dance-based, incorporating martial arts and other movements), and not at all the sort of thing I usually do, but I like to support people I know in their endeavors and I said I'd come to the Thursday 4:30 class.  I was particularly glad of having made that commitment as it was a day of meetings, with work obligations before and after, and I am not sure I would have used the time particularly well if I had not actually said I'd be there to exercise!

1hr light aerobic exercise with good stretching benefits


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Those kind of classes kill me! I'm so thoroughly uncoordinated!

Black Knight said...

Never tried it, I am sure I have a lot of things to learn.
I had many dream and they could come true but this "..." of government changed the rules again and I cannot retire anymore. Now if I am lucky I have to work other 5 years and if not other 11!!!!!!!