Saturday, July 7, 2018


Thursday: did restorative yoga, bad allergies and knowledge that I had forgotten keys and would have to deal with that when I got home did NOT make for best class ever, did PT on pool deck afterwards but no other exercise. Overheated en route home, that plus key fiasco (fault of declutter - keys in a bowl are not as noticeable as keys splayed out on dining table!) led me to cancel assistant session and huddle in bed for much of afternoon and early evening!

Friday: short version of PT exercises before a BRILLIANT PT session. This guy is really good. Things are getting better but still a ways to go. My run (shuffle) gait on treadmill got seal of approval. We experimented with position on stationary bike until I found one that didn't trigger (mild but noticeable) sciatica. My task is to get up to 20 minutes on bike totally pain-free, then thirty, before I add in any interval work. This is extremely sensible.

Saturday: The heat wave broke! Did my 30 as 1:1 in the park, area around top right quadratus initially quite lit up from yesterday's soft tissue work and stretching, that warmed up but other stuff twanged a bit, I have to be patient - but it was BLISS out there, 65F, sunny, low humidity - a gift!

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