Wednesday, November 16, 2011

In which hot yoga was very hot

Went to Bikram yoga again today with C.  Had imagined that 5 x warm yoga last week would prepare me for hot yoga today - I was quite wrong!  Light rain in NYC, which means 100% humidity, and it really was overwhelmingly hot in there (I think the teacher opened the window more times last time because she knew it was my first Bikram class).  I am guessing you would have to go 3-4 times a week to be really acclimated - I might do a month sometime where I go every day and really get used to it, but I think I will do better in the meantime with regular-temperature yoga at 105th St. (walking distance) or Chelsea Piers (included with my gym membership)...

1.5hr hot yoga


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I have a yoga instructor friend who is really against the idea of hot yoga in general. Her argument is that if your body can't get into a pose after a regular warm up, it probably shouldn't be going into that pose in a hot room just because it can. She thinks it is a good way to push yourself too far and cause an injury.

Black Knight said...

Unknown topic for me. I have never followed a yoga course but 1.5 hours sounds like a long "training".