Monday, November 7, 2011


My only real exercise plan for the week is to go to a yoga class every day - there's a good yoga studio nearby that I hadn't yet made it into, so I got the week-long introductory rate and will get in there for a morning class in upcoming days also.  (Will probably do some other stuff also, but that's the main target.)

1.5hr yoga


Lynn said...

Yay, yoga! Looks like a nice collection of classes, too! Kundalini is on the more spiritual end of the yoga spectrum (at least at my studio), and I tend to avoid it in favor of power classes, but you might love it!

Jenny Davidson said...

I was actually just looking at the Kundalini description and thinking I would prefer to avoid it! Though I guess one should always try things before dismissing them out of hand...

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

The yoga teachers who are really into the spiritual side of it can be a little grating if you aren't into it that much, so I would probably avoid it too!