Friday, August 21, 2015


This is still the day I dread of the three - progress measured only in tiny inches and I can easily backslide! But it was a very productive session, I think; we experimented with various changes and ended up with a wider grip and a narrower stance (the main obstacles are mental - I have figured out a lot of the technique stuff that wasn't there at first, the hip rotation and the arch in the back etc., but my brain starts overthinking before I even go down for the first time and that's never good!). No real work set in other words but useful experimentation and reasonable volume with light weights.

Then some abs and calf raises. Bike ride there was HOT but ride home was lovely, it has cooled down some and there's a bit of a breeze. God I am ready for summer to be OVER - it is really my least favorite season! Always better for mental health once school starts, though I know that come the beginning of the semester I will be regretting the long quiet days of summer - but it takes a good deal of vim to really make good use of that kind of day, I have been struggling with that a little this week...

1.25hr lower body
10mi bike

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