Sunday, August 30, 2015


I was having strong but irrational dread beforehand. It's so long since I've done a proper swim workout, and doing it in a new circumstance is always a bit nerve-racking. But in fact it was LOVELY (and there was no better way to end a day spent thinking so much about Oliver Sacks and Doug Stern).

Nice group of ladies in the lane, I was a little slow (and had to skip some of the pull bits - the others were all using paddles, but it's also where I always fall behind) but it was basically a good fit. Don't think I can reproduce the whole workout, but I probably swam something like 3100 of 3600 notional yards along these lines:

500 warmup with every fourth length kick (I did 400)

500 as 4 x 125 drill-swim (100-25, 75-50, 50-75, 25-100: I did fly, back, free, free)

2 interim sets that I cannot now remember....

6 x 50 on 1:15 concentrating on turns
200 pull (I did 100)
150 kick
50 hard (600)

6 x 50 on 1:15
150 pull (I did 50)
100 kick
50 hard (600)

6 x 50 on 1:15
100 pull (I did 50)
50 kick
50 hard (500)

100 easy cooldown

I stopped swimming much for a few different reasons: I think I lost heart for it a bit once I couldn't write to Wendy about it, and also I made a conscious commitment at one point that as my swimming was on balance stronger than my cycling, I had to swap out swimming for spin class. And then the TNYA workouts near me have all evaporated: it's years since they had Columbia workouts, the City College pool never reopened, the Hostos times conflict with powerlifting and John Jay has always been offputting because it's super-crowded with the result that even the slowest lane is sometimes wanting to go on 1:40 sendoffs. But I'm shifting focus a bit, I think, from triathlon back to running and powerlifting, and this means (paradoxically) that I can start swimming a lot more again if I can fit it in!

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