Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Funny overly long day out full of lots of nice things: definitely a good day (ending with merciless dissection with friend M. en route home from this rather dreadful Twyla Tharp evening at the Joyce!). The bench workout went really well - clearly the benefit of not forcing myself to get to the gym yesterday was that I was capable of doing a quality job today. It is possible that my load this semester means that I cannot realistically expect to lift on Monday and Tuesday evenings without penalty! Anyway:

small circuit: 3 x (25 shrugs @ 37.5, 10 lateral and front raise @ 5lb)

3 x 10 @ 60% (75)

2 x 2 @ 80% (100)

3 x 10 rope lat pulldown, 100 rope triceps pulldown

About an hour all told, and I didn't feel unduly wiped out either. Still wrestling with term-time-onset insomnia, and with some other family stuff going on that is exacerbating it (though I think mostly it's the sheer fact of the workload and the human-contact aspect of it).

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