Monday, February 15, 2010


It was an authentic and mildly exhilarating swim-bike-run day, though I think Lauren and I were both slightly sheepish about how little running we felt like doing after we had already swum and biked!

Swim now seems an eon ago - what was it? I warmed up before Lauren got there (we were in adjacent spots in two separate lanes) with 100 free, 50 breast, 100 free, 50 back, 100 free, 50 fly drill; then 100 RA LA catch-up free, 50 free, 50 6-3-6.

The proposed main set (proposed by me!) was instead of doing a long straight swim, but with similar pace/effort - 6 x 50, 3 x 100, 1 x 300, 3 x 100, 6 x 50 allowing (for me - YMMV - I think Lauren was doing 1:40) 2:00/100. I stopped in the middle of the second set of hundreds - lifeguard was giving a lesson in the other part of my lane, but in the meantime spots had opened up and he asked if I'd mind moving. I lost my momentum, Lauren was already finished and it really was time to go and get changed for spin class!

(1800 yards total.)

A very sweaty and strenuous hour-long indoor cycle, then 1.5 miles run @ 10:00 pace. We finished a bit faster - we were desperate to be done! You know you have had a good workout when the orange vitamin water you are swilling in between biking and running tastes like NECTAR OF THE GODS.


Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

ShirleyPerly said...

Way to go on your tri! I hope to do something similar today and taste the nectar :-)