Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Heavenly Wednesday swim

in the 25-metre swimming pool at the lovely Park Hyatt in Buenos Aires. We're flying out later tonight, and just had this one very decadent night at the fancy hotel - which has a high-tech lighting system so perplexing that I ACTUALLY GOT A CHANCE TO USE THE CUTE LITTLE FLASHLIGHT I purchased as part of the New York gear spree but that since I am camping-averse did not seem likely to come in handy - but once we had waved our hands over panels and so forth and dark had descended on the room, it seemed virtually impossible to light one's way to the bathroom...

I have desperately missed swimming! I did have a VERY BRIEF and freezingly cold polar dip (account to follow), but the pool on the ship turned out to be a small square "plunge pool" (bars around the edges) associated with the sauna, which is not my cup of tea.

It was a lovely trip, but I had a cold the entire time (visited the ship's doc two days post-marathon, just in case it had become something bacterial that could be remedied; Doc [sympathetically]: "Viral bronchitis can last up to three weeks..."), then when it finally departed I had 2 days of mild seasickness as we passed back through the Drake Passage. Terribly insufficient exercise! It will be good to return to regular life.

In the meantime I have just had a delightful swim, I appreciated every METRE of it:

200 free
100 back
100 free
100 breast
100 free
100 fly drill
100 free
4 x 50 drill-swim in IM order

1000 yards total

More posts after lunch, at least if there is time before we leave for the airport - I wrote a LONG race post the day after the race, but it will take a little while to paste in the pictures in the appropriate spots...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A 25 metre pool in a hotel. I am still awestruck! (And pleased you had a good swim.)