Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday strength/swim

MANY hours ago now (I am not on a schedule conducive to a tight exercise regimen these last few days!):

1hr. strength (30 min. abs class - teacher v. good but class itself rather horrendous, beneficial in terms of exercise - pilates-based - but very crowded and dance-y, neither of which is what I really like - but I would go again - plus independent work on weight floor)

very short swim - fueling had run out, muscles sore from other day's workout, didn't have it in me to swim any longer! 100 free, 100 IM, 200 flutter kick (whip every fourth length), 100 back = 500 yards total

Hot tub dunk...


Anonymous said...

Well-deserved dunk!!!

Vince said...

I'm glad you found the web site and hopefully find the information helpful. I enjoy your blog. Vince