Thursday, March 25, 2010


3 park loops, 20 miles total.

I found the ride home along 106th St. quite uncomfortable (that is euphemistic understatement), though I suppose the anxiety remained at manageable levels - it is my own fault for leaving the ride so late in the afternoon, that street is much busier c. 6pm than it would be at 3. There is a bike lane, but it is universally ignored!

Tomorrow I am going to ride down to Chelsea Piers and SWIM, an activity I have shamefully neglected for many weeks now, and then in the evening have a little run in Central Park with former training partner S., who is visiting from England. He says he has not been running much and that it will have to be gentle, but he forgets how much faster a runner he is than I!

I'll do a long run on Saturday or Sunday, and then Lauren's back from California and we're hoping to do a lovely long ride in New Jersey on Monday - after that I'll try and get back in a really good productive exercise regimen, it's a good week schedule-wise (i.e. few daytime commitments) for me to indulge my love of excess! I need to get back in the groove with strength training, among other things...


Unknown said...

You got it done, which is what counts!

Tomorrow's plan sounds very good.

Unknown said...

Gosh, I am quite grateful for all our stand alone bike paths and drivers that generally do seem to stay out of the bike lanes!