Thursday, June 2, 2016


Ah, that was so nice! I barely made it there - I had a minor disaster (first world problems) last night, having devoted a good deal of dollarage and energy to acquiring 2 new air conditioners and having them installed (one for the living room, where I have never had one, and a stronger one for the bedroom, where the current one really no longer seemed adequate). The guys from the store were great, everything went fine - and then when I went to bed, the unit didn't work at all! NOT AT ALL! Context is that I am not a good sleeper and have grown so accustomed to only sleeping in a very chilly room with AC chugging away that I basically just couldn't sleep, though it wasn't a hot night. Dozed lightly for a few hours here and there, sent Brent a lot of frantic emails between about 4 and 5 and charged over to the store at 8:30 to see what could be done. It was COMPLICATED, though it all worked out OK in the end, and in the meantime I was having another decluttering session with the organizer, and hadn't exercised, and was hot and sweaty - one of THOSE days.

Anyway I forced myself out the door and in fact it was lovely. Great to have Josh back and to be doing "real" workouts again! Only problem is that I have not yet done my run for the day, and tomorrow isn't especially propitious to do two either - I think I'm going to shower now (I am disgusting) and then see if I can't get out for half an hour easy later on. Otherwise will have to double up one of the next couple days....

New system Josh is experimenting with: telling us sets with RPE rating and leaving it up to us to figure out the weights. Today's RPE for the squat sets was 6 (on scale of 10).

Front squats: 3 x 10 @ 55
Squats: 6 x 3 @ 45
Band hamstring curls: 5 x 20
Lunges (6-second eccentric): 4 x 15

Had intended to run partway home but just didn't have it in me, that's OK.

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