Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday swim practice

Really I knew I just wanted a medium-length easy swim, but the irk issues at non-practice evening lane swim are so severe that I figured I'd better just go to practice! Very uncharacteristically, I skipped a bunch of stuff - I just didn't have it in me to do the workout today, due to some ineffable combination of fatigue, stress, flip-turn-related hypoxia and indigestion from lunch!

(Usually I get sushi lunch at that place, but it was 1:30 by the time I actually had time to eat, and by that point I was ravenous and figured I'd better eat something more substantial to remain fueled for later work and working out - I thought the beef satay would be "plain," but instead it was drenched in a slightly disgusting and moderately indigestible peanut sauce!)

That said, it was an enjoyable swim - I felt strong in the water, and I was glad to have a solid swim workout. If I have time, I'll probably just run for half an hour first thing in the morning tomorrow - massive amounts of work still to do before the end of the day tomorrow, needless to say...

Warmup: 200 free, 150 choice kick-swim by 25 (back, breast, fly)

6 x 100 IM on 2:10, first 3 regular, second 3 reverse (I note that really my IM must have gotten a lot stronger since this time last year, since I can now very easily swim that interval, which I am sure I could not then)

Then the set on which I flaked! In theory it was 3 x (200 moderate on 4:00, 4 x 50 descending on :55, :50, :50, :45) - in fact, after the first two fifties I pretty much gave up on doing any really fast intervals! I think I instead did something as follows (swimming easy/moderate on the 200s with flip turns added does not leave me in a good position to swim hard 50s following, even with the rest I get before they start!):

200 on 4:00
2 x 50 on :55, :50

several mins. HARD GASPING

200 on 4:00

2 x 50 on 1:00 (free, breast)


200 on 4:00

2 x 50 on 1:00


The last bit was in theory 25 fast, 25 easy on :20, :50, but really it was clear to me I would not do that! I just swam some cooldown 50s (I was uncharacteristically FREEZING by this point, it is all that hanging around at the wall, it is not good!) and then got out. Call it 5 x 50 on 1:00 (breast, back, free, fly, free).

2100 yards total (?)

Then I went to my old apartment building - early in September I ordered a new lycra suit (I prefer polyester for pool swimming, both for durability and for support, but I think lycra is less likely to chafe on a long swim) to replace an identical previous one that has gone nascently transparent in the CHEST area (not good) plus 3 pairs of goggles (2 corrective/distance, 1 similar to what I have already - these ones are perfect only the seal is giving out and they are verging on leaky).

Was eagerly looking out for them pre-Little Red Lighthouse, disappointed not to get 'em in time to use new goggles in particular (old suit is still usable) - finally realized it had taken WEEKS, checked website yesterday, package had supposedly been delivered - sent irked rant/email to company - then double-checked order, and realized I had accidentally sent it to my old apartment! I am surprised the credit card went through with an obsolete billing address...

At any rate, I am now happily united with the package...

And now, regretfully, BACK TO WORK!

(But first, perhaps some dinner? I have gone straight from indigestion to needing to refuel, it is ridiculous!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Swim wise, this is also technically a recovery week!

My swim Wednesday was satisfactory in terms of distance, but very pokey in terms of speed!