Thursday, June 20, 2013


These long days where I'm out from dawn till dusk (not literally) take it out of me! But it must be said that it was pretty much a perfect day (main thorn in the rose involved the STREAMING eyes and nose post-swim workout, exacerbated by allergies; and perhaps true ideal day involves drafting 1500 words of completely unknown and surprising material, but hey, I'll take what I got).

Hit the allergy doctor for shots (this allergy season is hitting me hard right now, but I'm hoping for continued improvement for next year). Then to Chelsea Piers, a spot of work and a midday swim class and then a great longer session on my book manuscript, which is very close to being done. (I want to send it next Wednesday before I leave for B.'s on Thursday.)

Then I did a slightly pitiful hour on the spin bike (the streaming nose was an obstacle, I had to get off at the half-hour mark and go and excessively blow my nose, and then once I started up again I sort of had to warm up all over again and only managed to do one of the three remaining intervals that I had initially projected of the five I undertook at beginning of hour).

Then to G.'s to meet up with him and my brother for an absolutely lovely dinner at Mezzogiorno: I had beef carpaccio with avocado and heart of palm, a potato-crusted red snapper with broiled green beans and zabaglione with berries.

Sign that I am training for an Ironman: the two boxes my doorman had for me when I got home were this (tried it in a sample from the Fat Cyclist, loved it - will write a separate post about hydration and calorie projections for Ironman) and this (ordered on a strong recommendation from L., who is perhaps more of a cereal eater than I am but is very impressed with this - its scent, as it wafted from microwave at our Montauk rental last weekend, was faintly like something Houyhnhmns might eat).

I need to go to this Tues-Thurs midday swim workout more often, I think, as I so often can't make the City College ones that in theory are my current hard swim workouts (this week for instance I was deluged on Tuesday, couldn't go tonight because of dinner and will be out of town Sunday for the race).

1hr swim:

w/u 200 swim, 400 swim (every fourth length back), 200 pull

8 x 100 on 2:00 (1)-(4) as 75 build 25 moderate (doing these very nicely in about 1:45, surprising myself) (5)-(8) as 75 strong 25 moderate (more like 1:52)

10 x 50 on 1:05 (mix of easy, moderate and strong in ladder structure)

200 pull easy breathing every 3 and 5 on alternate lengths

2300 total

plus 1hr spin (3 x 8min zone 3, 2min recovery, rest in zone 2)

1 comment:

Liz said...

The smell and flavor are much better if you pour boiling water on it than if you put it in the microwave! Also, peanut butter helps. More like food for humans that way.