Friday, January 12, 2018


I took the metro, I think it was just that mild minor barrier to doing something new that had me trudging to and fro these last couple days, really the train is INCREDIBLY convenient and goes virtually door to door (the stops are close together, so while yoga and Reid Hall are close, the metro is such that there are even 2 distinct stops, making it ridiculously convenient). Non-heated class, mercifully, though it wasn't at all gentle in the manner I imagined it would be (or maybe I am just ridiculously inflexible right now). Harder to understand today's teacher, partly because it was more abstract and also because often we were flopped down in relaxation position and it's a lot harder to understand if you can't cross-checck with physical movements of teacher and other students! (Like, it's almost impossible to relax your head when what your head wants to do is pop up and look around to make sure you really understood the instructions!) But it is a very good studio in every respect, including the important one that the teachers are helpful and welcoming even if you are being a goofball - I am really glad I got back out for that, I knew I wanted it but it was hard to overcome that little fearful barrier of not wanting to leave the house in a new place.....

90+ minutes yin-yang yoga (non-heated)

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