Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday run

8.5 miles easy

(Though it occurs to me to note that even a flat run at an easy pace - c. 10:00 miles, perhaps a hair slower - stops being an easy run when it goes over an hour - probably should have brought water, but it is so nice running without bottles & belts &c.)

It was the most beautiful day here - in the low fifties, sunny and calm - decidedly non-Antarctic! I am not complaining...


Unknown said...

Any puddle jumping?

Spokane Al said...

I agree that no matter what the pace at some point in a long run it ceases to be easy. I sure would like to master the long run the way ultra runners seem to do it. I guess we must continue to push the envelope.

ShirleyPerly said...

I used to run long distances w/o water back when it was not advised to drink when running (and so I took that to mean all distances). Now I could not probably run an easy 6 miles w/o some water. My Fuel Belt is like Linus' blanket.