Thursday, January 24, 2013


I really like this class, and it's working out well to run over there and back again - haven't really been running enough miles...

10 exercises for time, with choice of 25 (beginner), 40 (intermediate), 50 (advanced). I cautiously chose 25, but finished quickly enough that I did another round through of 15. Next time I will try 40 off the bat.

"Shunting" principle, i.e. 5 lower-body in succession and then five upper: not sure this is exactly right, but let's say squats, lunges, squat thrusters, burpees, squat jumps, pushups, plank/slide pushups, incline pushups, bounce pressups, alternate pushups

c. .5hr with warmup
+ 4.4mi/44min run

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