Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Unscheduled day off...

... which was entirely for the best. I feel as though I am finally psychologically entering back into the land of the living!

Due to rain, twins-in-jogging-stroller run with I. rescheduled for Friday. We will hope the weather improves.

No trainer ride this evening--I was getting hair cut and highlighted, and now it is time to eat dinner and start winding down for the evening. I have to make several fairly respectable fund-raisingish work-type appearances over next few weeks and I thought respectability would certainly be augmented if I could fit in a hair appointment over the break!

(It came out very nicely. At the end, A., who has cut my hair for the last couple years here, said: "What do you think?" JMD: "I think I look like I should be going to a party!" A. [looking, assessingly]: "Honestly, you should be going to a party!" In fact I am very happy I am not going to a party, but my hair does indeed look as though it should be out socializing somewhere fairly high-class...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Feeling human, looking great. A fine combination.