Friday, July 8, 2016


The news this week has been making me sick to my stomach - waking up this morning to the Dallas coverage was the last straw. I was a state yesterday morning for completely idiotic personal reasons - stress at upcoming travel mostly (especially when I am trying to eat clean and drink infrequently, four nights in a hotel at a science fiction convention is seriously contraindicated!), and anxiety about when I will start working properly on book stuff.

When I checked in last night, the clerk looked at me very dubiously when I asked about possible running routes, especially a route I could take on foot to a trail or park or similar - then he brightened and said, "You can run around the industrial park!" But actually it's not at all bad - I just had a really nice 40 minutes (the weather is significantly cooler today), and already in the taxi coming in yesterday I spotted a hill that will be PERFECT for the workout Coach David suggested for tomorrow. I think exercise may have given me fortitude for human contact! There is a quite reasonable little gym and pool too, but I couldn't lay hands on goggles at the last minute (I did pack bathing suit) - one of Brent's friends has some he might trade off to me if we are not swimming at the same time, it's certainly a possibility...

:40 run!

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