Friday, August 26, 2016


Day 95, run 91 - gotta put in some doubles to catch up!  Had mistakenly counted Thursday next week as final day but really it's Wednesday, that's actually a better day for me to do a longer one in the evening (hoping to put in 100 minutes as celebration of 100 in 100).  Never did make it to the gym yesterday afternoon for a treadmill run - will try again for that today.  Anyway :23 easy, then POWER YOGA!  It makes me feel a bit clumsy, the vinyasa will jump very quickly into warrior 1 and then back to chattaranga and I am always a second behind, but it is a very good and very enjoyable class, with helpful adjustments from the teacher.  I had a very sleepless night but it was so much so that I figured I might as well get on with exercise things - might see if I can take a nap now once I've showered....

:23 run
1hr power yoga!

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