Monday, May 15, 2017

Hot yoga!

Hahaha, that really was gruesomely too hot - it was the 1hr class rather than the 1.25hr one I did by accident yesterday, the standing sequence goes by more quickly and I was certainly upright for a higher proportion of it, but the heat just wouldn't stop. (Actually I think it's the humidity - ideal Bikram-style room is supposed to be 105F and 40% humidity, I am sure this really was at least 105 but the humidity outside is 75% and there's no real way of bringing it down - other than BY LEAVING THE HEAT ON FOR LONGER THAN USUAL.) Not sure I am cut out for this, but it is so good for everything, and also I know from regular past experience that if I go 3-4 days in a row, the 5th day will suddenly seem relatively manageable...

1hr very hot yoga

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