Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Thursday update

Hahaha, I didn't really fall off the face of the earth, but post-travel fatigue kicked me like a mule, I took zeros on Monday and Tuesday in spite of good intentions.

Wednesday: 1:10 with work set as 8 x 4 faster, 1 recovery. L foot/R LB/posterior chain connection is very evil right now.

Thursday: such a good swim! It feels like a victory to get there at all (it's really the only day when I can reasonably guarantee getting there, though I am going to think about Fridays and how to add that one too, it is the next most feasible).

What did I do? It was so nice.....


100 swim
100 kick on back
300 as 2 x 150 back as kick-drill-swim by 50
2 x 100 freestyle drill-swim by 25 (thumbs and salute, finger-drag)
100 something I've forgotten
100 free
100 fly as right-arm, left-arm, 3-3-3, full stroke
100 flutter kick with board
100 whip kick with board
100 IM

10 flip turns - I do them very badly (and when I am actually swimming laps I mostly just do an open turn), but I will only get better if I make myself do them....

1300 yards total

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