Tuesday, June 6, 2017


No run today, my glutes are of course absurdly sore from doing lunges yesterday after several months off from lifting! A very good hour of PT - my back is miraculously almost completely better, I am still slightly amazed, it's really been so sore all this year; no short run, too tired/sore and trying to be cautious; an hour of upper-body at Chelsea Piers. Note to self: use common sense and moderation, do not suddenly try and do everything at once (I had my eye on a sprint triathlon in Cayman in July, but I said out loud to the PT guy this afternoon that I should just be a kayak volunteer if I want to be involved, that's always nice too!), just adding lifting back in and finding some slots for yoga will be plenty for this month rather than worrying about swim/bike.

(1) 8lb medicine ball, 6 x 1min on, 30sec off (this is brutal - the big soft ones, not the smaller harder bouncy ones)
(2) bench bamboo (10lb plate hung via band at each end of bar), 3 x 10 (given as 30-50 total)
(3) close-grip bench, 3 x 6 @ 60 with 6-0-0
(4) gunshow 100 total (band for bicep curls, triceps pulldown)

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