Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday run

A satisfying end to a mysteriously stressful week.

I jogged over to the north end of the park and did 3 x the upper loop with C., who I have not seen since November. It was great! We took it strong and steady rather than actually fast, but it was a very good workout - I will hope to rope him in for some more of those.

(It works out well - I have about a mile to warm up getting over there, and a cooldown mile home - but I run harder on the loops than I would on my own!)

I am having mild trepidation about tomorrow's long run, but I simply don't see any way to reschedule it - the prime directive is that I have to WRITE NOVEL PAGES IN THE AM - and I am going to a play in the afternoon and have to be at the theatre at 1:45 - which means out the door at 1:15 - which means home from running by, say, 12:30 at the latest, given need to shower and refuel. That means I need to be out the door for the run by 9:45 at the absolute latest, but a bit earlier would be better so that I do not feel antsy and run faster than I mean to....

6+ miles


Unknown said...

Glad it was a good run!

Prime Directives rule.

Black Knight said...

A stressful schedule! Luckily running is always a good cure. How was the long run?