Sunday, March 11, 2018


90 min hot ying yang. And yes, after 8 weeks of modest but consistent attendance (I missed the whole week that Brent was here, but every other week has been solid, including the week I was in Cayman), my mobility is definitely improved. I was defeated by a couple things near the end of class (by that point, too, I am in such a puddle of sweat that there is little incentive to try and focus and aspire to something impossible), but mostly I am doing much better! (The two things I can't do both involve holding big toe in fingers and then in one case extending the leg and getting it up behind your head and in the other, lying on your back, extending it to the ceiling and then lowering to the right - my body is not made to do this!)

My "15 classes before Toulouse" plan was probably unrealistic, the back situation means it is important not to overdo it, but I might try a few of these yin classes again this week on top of the ones I can definitely do - I think my French yoga comprehension is better enough now that it won't be as difficult as it was at the beginning of the semester! (To state the obvious, it is impossible to relax your head - the ongoing goal of 90% of yin postures - if you have to keep on popping it up to see what everyone else is doing and supplement incomprehension of what the teacher said!)

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