Friday, July 25, 2008

The lunar-gravity gym

At the Telegraph, an excerpt from science-fiction novelist Arthur C. Clarke's posthumous novel The Last Theorem (co-authored with Frederik Pohl) - on the Lunar Olympics!
The "balloonatics" believed in employing gas bags of various shapes, so that the athlete was supported in flight, using all his muscle power to crank a propeller without the need of expending any effort simply to stay aloft. The sky-bikers, on the other hand, preferred to do everything by their muscles alone.

For them sporting goods manufacturers had rapidly invented a whole array of propeller-driven devices. Thanks to carbon-60 nanotubes, the same molecules that made the Skyhook a working means of transportation instead of an idle dream, these devices were so light that even on Earth they could be lifted with one hand - on the Moon, with a single finger!
Hmmm, I am not sure I would have worked out the training and travel arrangements in exactly those ways...

Bonus link: Olympics reading recommendations from Matthew Syed.

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