Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday gym

A solid workout with M. earlier, only the gym was unprecedentedly crowded - for once I was actually very glad to get out of there...

(A funny side note - first time through on core stuff, somehow we missed the pushups that usually come between the cobra and the quadruped - M. didn't say to do 'em, and I wasn't going to suggest it! But the second time through, we got to that point and he gave me a skeptical look, like: Pushups - what happened to them the first time round?!? I said we would have to make sure I did the missed set at the end, and he jokingly said I should just do thirty now all at once rather than just doing 1 x 15 now and 1 x 15 later. I can never resist a challenge, so I did do 30 in a row, and it was good - I could do more than that, I think, only my lower back was a bit sore from running over the weekend, that was the limiter. I have been feeling mildly guilty at not following through on the Hundred Pushup Challenge - I told my sister-in-law I was up for it, only I feel that I have enough mental challenges right now anyway and it was one too many things to worry about! But pushups are good - I should try and do 'em three times a week, and see if I can get up at least to fifty or something like that. Since I never could do even one real pushup as a child suffering through penitentially awful gym classes, this would give me a great sense of accomplishment.)

ARGHHHHH, it pains me that the pool is closed this week! I don't have the time to go elsewhere, I've got a lot of work stuff on board right now, but I am thinking that if I can finish my index by Thursday that a good reward would be a Riverbank State Park pool swim (50m!) on Friday afternoon. It is only allowable if I have done an adequate amount of novel-writing for the day, though...


Leah said...

A 50m pool is always allowable! :)

Unknown said...

Well, you could just postpone the 6week challenge if you like. I don't think it matters so much *when* you do these things.

Long course swimming!