Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday mini-workout

I did not at all feel like going to the gym, only I figured even a short workout would be better than nothing. Short it was, and mildly ill-fated (though now that it is over, I am glad I went); on the treadmill, I felt mildly indigested, hugely overheated and with a stitch in my side that made me call it at 2 rather than staying on for three, and the strength bit just told me that I have not been doing enough strength-training recently, I was too hot and sweaty to face a third round even of this mini-workout! All will be better when the school year is over...

2 warm uncomfortable treadmill miles

2 x (15 push-ups, 15 lateral raise and side raise with 5lb. weights, 15 bicep curl and kickback with 10lb. weights)


Unknown said...

Well, it's good you went even though you didn't feel like it.

Having done no ECT in months, my strength training has been lacking, too! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I would leave out treadmill running on days you want to focus on strength training. Warm up on the rowing machine, at least it involves your arms, chest and back.