Friday, September 7, 2012


Another blissful day of exercise! For various reasons that have to do with the different stages assorted work things are at, I am much more relaxed than usual about having true down-time; it is good. Didn't want to do too much, so rode my bike to Chelsea Piers and went to lovely "gentle yoga" class at 9:30 (I like this teacher a lot, haven't been to her class for a while - when I'm very busy, I prefer more bang-of-the-buck intense exercise classes! - but it's really a good one, and more in the spirit of mindful yoga than some of the very strenuous yoga classes will be), then had a short swim.

Walked over to the bike store and picked up some CO2 cartridges for myself and L. (she's flying, can't take 'em on the plane), a couple other bicycle-related sundries, then walked back over to the west side highway and rode my bike home. Lazy day!

I'll run 30 minutes easy tomorrow morning; L. and G. will pick me up in the car tomorrow afternoon around 2:30 and we'll drive to New Paltz. Hopefully it will be a great day - if course limits are strictly enforced, there is a chance I will get pulled, but I am resigned to that if it happens, and have promised myself I will take it with a good grace. I think they will be able to give us a bit of leeway, certainly that was how it worked last year...

10 miles bike
1hr gentle yoga
1000 yards swim (3 x 100 breathing every 3, 5, 7; 100 RaLaCuBa, 100 free; 4 x 100 drill-swim by 25 [thumbs-and-salute, front scull, fists, finger-drag]; 100 IM)

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