Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hot yoga!

That was good, though GRUESOMELY hot (I have no heat acclimation currently). Didn't get up early enough to run in the morning first, will see if I can do a short one later or else just make SURE to get out first thing tomorrow. Am hoping to do just a ton of exercise this week, built around core of my assigned workouts from Josh..)

(Often I am grumpy about the fact that people refer to my time in Cayman as "vacation," as very commonly I am bringing huge piles of work with me - it's like any other "other place" in a long-distance relationship in that sense, it might as well be Cleveland or what have you, it is beside the point that it is TIP (Tropical Island Paradise!)! But this week I really am determined to have vacation - the provost even told us, at our TRAC meeting last week, to make sure to have actual vacation over the break because there is a lot of business to do in the remaining weeks of the semester.)


1.25hr hot yoga

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