Thursday, March 19, 2015


Ah, that is an extremely good class: Marlene is a great athlete and runs a true cyclist's workout, I am lucky to have that so conveniently nearby. Had a green machine smoothie afterwards (with mysterious "green pack" - but it is a delicious thing, with a plastic bag of callaloo, cucumber, cabbage, apple, ginger and lime going into the juicer and then getting blended with banana and ice and whey protein), then a happy encounter with a funny little cat I hadn't seen before. (B. has stocked a supply of cat treats for lovely neighbor cat Roxy.)

I flaked out on the rest of spa day yesterday - I just felt headachey and out of sorts and emotionally low. Took some ibuprofen and a caffeine tablet around 4 which helped with the headache but not with the lowness, and decided not to join B. for Wednesday Night Run Club - it's hot and trafficky and though I think it's a good idea to make yourself do one workout if you're feeling low, the fact is I had already sweated buckets for 1.25hr at hot yoga that morning and I figured a quiet evening would be better. Feeling more myself this morning, will head to 8:45 hot yoga in a bit and then we are taking Coach Jerry Harper out to lunch, so that should be nice.

1hr spin

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