Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Not for anything much, but it is important to get my Cayman routine set up right. World Gym is only a few minutes' walk away from Brent's condo and it is a very pleasant place to work out, I have no excuse! And I do like leaving the house to do the PT exercises, since I am home so much of the time otherwise. So:

did PT in rather awkward location (then realized that there IS a whole stretching area on second floor, I will use that next time) by the small free weights area upstairs. Then just did minor trial upper body things (almost nothing, and I am WEAK!): 3 x 10 floor press with 20lb dumbbells alternating with 12 skullcrusher at same weight (which is not really heavy enough). 10 mins exercise bike, fine at first (and position was right) but right LB starts to ache as I get close to ten minutes, so switched to elliptical for 10 more - it is NOT nearly enough cardio but it is better than nothing and I will start with the elliptical next time.

Slightly giving up on local sea swimming for now, it's warm and a bit gross - will have a longer swim tomorrow at Sunset House when we are there for Brent to volunteer at the Stroke and Stride (usually I volunteer as well if I am not participating, but I am selfishly going to use the chance to get in a swim in nicer sea location), ditto following 2 Wednesdays, but I don't think I should count on morning sea swim as regular cardio.

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