Thursday, March 28, 2019


Wednesday, funny one with 80 mins starting and closing with 20 as 1:1 but in the middle 6-3-5-3-4-3-3-3-2-3-1-3, alternating faster and easy. Did good PT yesterday but no yoga (had early evening coffee with a friend of a friend in another neighborhood and have decided in wake of locked-out disaster of Tuesday that it is best when my day holds only three things - I think if Tuesday had just been run, haircut, office it would have been OK, it was also gathering the stuff to bring for yoga that did me in; yesterday was run, office, coffee ditto, and I also dimly recall my past self a few weeks ago, on a day when I DID do Wednesday evening yoga, noting that it is really not a good idea to do 90 minutes of strenuous yoga on the same day I do my hardest run effort).

Today, forgot PT, but the three things are run, office (both done now - quota has been produced, I am doing a 14-day online boot camp thing as a prod) and 7pm hot yin yang yoga.

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