Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Got up early to work on a book review I need to submit by the end of the day; it's not yet done, but it needed to sit and 'gel,' so I did get out for my projected morning run.  It was lovely, actually: the day is rather overcast and damp, but the sun was coming out a little and the air was very calm and still. It's back up to about 40F so that is civilized also.  I was too tired to stretch calves last night, and I did notice the difference; I stopped my watch at the turnaround for a quick stretch, which is what I have now had the luxury of not doing in the last couple weeks, and it was fine from there, but I will be very scrupulous about daily stretching from here on out...

40:30 (c. 4 miles)

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

You are getting back down to 10 minute pace! Go you!