Thursday, April 21, 2016

I am tired! That said - taking yesterday off from exercise made for an EXCELLENT squat session this morning. I have two stumbling blocks for the squat, one is purely mental but the other is physical - I don't have a solid enough foundation of technique to overcome fatigue, and will be folding over as soon as I get tired. Fresh legs made a big difference.

(B.'s getting here from the airport momentarily - thus my desire to be at home rather than at powerlifting in the early evening!)

1hr lower body

5 x 1 @ 115

5 x 3 @ 45 with 5-second hold at the bottom

Bulgarian split squats (using configuration of 2 benches to make sure I stay very upright and get full range of motion), 10lb

Also 10mi bike - the most beautiful weather in NYC just now, hope it lasts for a bit....

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