Monday, April 4, 2016


This trip has had a few minor disasters, the most unpleasant of which was that I was hit with a minor stomach bug in Pittsburgh - only very narrowly missed (by grace of my own timing and my fellow panelist's generous willingness to switch spots with me) actually violently upchucking on the podium! And my cold hasn't gone away either - lungs full of junk. Yesterday afternoon, stuck in Pittsburgh airport (first flight delayed long enough that I missed my connection in Charlotte and had anxious waiting to see if I'd get a standby spot on a mid-evening flight that was ALSO delayed by an hour - I had a guaranteed spot on the 10:40pm but the idea that my poor host would have to pick me up at Lexington airport at MIDNIGHT and drive me to campus in Danville was just too dreadful!). Anyway I ate a proper dinner last night with relief and my stomach seems back to normal, even if lungs are still full of junk and nose needing a lot of blowing. Had breakfast and lunch with faculty and visited a few classes (very fun), then came blessedly back to my room, slept for two hours and got out, woo-hoo, for a LOVELY RUN! I had a good route pointed out to me, over from the Centre College campus to Millennium Park and round a couple-mile loop there. Overshot campus back into town so that I could look at the famed Burke's Bakery. It is the sort of place where I would like to eat EVERYTHING, but I limited myself to one small treat (I still had to run home with it bouncing around in the bag!)...

Anyway 1hr very nice run on an absolutely beautiful day in Kentucky greenery! Huge relief (and I will be home tomorrow, and hopefully cold remnants won't linger TOO much longer....)

Now I need to shower and get ready for 7pm pickup for 7:30pm talk....

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