Sunday, June 24, 2018


Gonna have to start taking Sundays as a rest day, that was not good. Did PT at home mid-afternoon, then rode bike to gym to see if the 90-minute hatha yoga class might be ok. It was not OK (I almost burst into tears when the teacher sent us into a series of fast sun salutations near the start of class - but even just lying in shavasana without a bolster under my knees currently makes right lower back immediately rather sore). Things kind of came round and the second half of class was mostly things I could do, but that plus overcrowding on the bike path (note to self: do not even think about riding bike to gym on a summer weekend day - especially not Pride weekend!) and hot hazy weather just made everything frazzled rather than in any sense relaxing. Ugh!

2 x 5mi bike
90 minutes of ill-advised yoga

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