Monday, January 30, 2012


Fatigue from many hours of exercise over the weekend and several nights of poor sleep.  Saturday really was the disaster no-sleep night, and I felt devastatingly knackered all day yesterday; around 7:30pm, I still had at least 3 hours of reading to do but I literally couldn't keep my eyes open, so I lay down for an undesirably timed but necessary nap (set the alarm for 4:30am just in case I could sleep through and needed to carve out the reading time for early morning hours).  Woke up around 9:45pm feeling much better, read hard till 1am, fell asleep around 1:30 and slept till about 5, awake for a while, then one more chunk of a couple more hours of sleep - it was actually better than it sounds, all three stints of sleep were of reasonable quality, but I did not have as much vim as I should have for my 8am workout.  I think it's undesirable to do double spin Saturday, long run Sunday and hard workout Monday morning; I need to try and move the run earlier in the week, and use Sunday for a yoga session and perhaps a short spin or run.  Otherwise I lose quality on the Monday morning session...

20min warmup, 1hr strength

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