Monday, January 9, 2012


A very good class that left me feeling much better than I did all weekend.  (I flew to Brent's Saturday morning, but the flight leaves early enough from JFK that I literally didn't sleep a wink the night before, I've been going to bed pretty late and when I did lie down around 1:30 and try and sleep a little, I was anxious that I wouldn't wake up when the alarm went off at 5:15.)  Weekday plan for this week: I get a ride to the cafe with Brent around 7:20, work on book revisions for a couple of hours and then go to 10am yoga.  It is good - I do best with a very regular routine...

1.5hr yoga

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I've stopped trying to sleep too much before flights. Having had alarm failures in the past, I just don't rest well. Since I am almost always traveling east, usually my choices include a red eye (which is nice for pleasure, but not for interviews!), so I start setting my alarm for 3am and packing in the morning before my flight. Fortunately I am an early bird who can fall asleep at 9pm without problem!