Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I had no good excuse for not running earlier, except that it was incredibly hot and humid and after yesterday evening's slightly horrible workout, I wanted to do everything I could to make sure today's powerlifting session was good. It was probably a good thing to have the morning off from exercise (I am sorry to say that after my morning meeting I came home and went back to bed - couldn't get to sleep last night till way too late!).

I rode my bike down to the gym with plenty of time to spare (cooling-off time!), and then had a very enjoyable and lighthearted upper-body session. Really it's a de-load week, yesterday was an anomaly....

11 x 3 x 75 (60%) with three-second isometric hold at bottom of the lift
dumbbell press, flat bench: 2 x 20 x 27.5
circuit: 6 x (5 ring rows, 20 shrugs with 52.5s, 5 eccentric push-ups)
skull-crushers: 2 x 20 x 12.5
misc. abs

plus 10mi bike

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