Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Makeup BEAST plus spin

I took a sleeping pill and went to bed at 9 with the alarm set for 5 and an open mind about whether it really would be a good idea to get up then; but there is a non-fee-based Beast session on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6am, and the rule for the Beast is that when you miss class, you make up the work.  And I did feel ok when the alarm went off, so I came downtown for class and then did a spin on my own afterward.

1hr. strength

6 x 2 mins. zone 2/70 rpm, 1 min. RI - 40 mins. with warmup and cooldown

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Wow, I'm impressed they get on you about missing classes like that! I guess it makes sense from their perspective since you can't expect to to see results if you slack off and they don't want the slackers saying that the course didn't do anything for them...