Saturday, January 3, 2009

Swim bits

I had just a very short dip last night, some swimming in the sea and then a few 'lengths' in the pool (which is non-rectangular in a way not entirely suited to doing laps, though I think I will do some there this week, if you ignore the undulating sides and the funny little bridge in the middle it does quite well!); call it 600. And then a very lovely real sea swim this morning, fifteen minutes out and fifteen back from Sunset House (not as much as a mile, but getting up there). Saw a sea turtle and lots of beautiful fish...

600 yards

1400 yards


Anonymous said...


Sigh. I will go watch the line on the bottom shortly! ;-)

nebechudnezzar said...

That sounds so exciting! but how are you not terrified by sharks when you're swimming that far out in the sea?!

Jenny Davidson said...

Well, I think there are no sharks round here anyway, it is not locally a huge issue - but it may put your mind at rest to know that the out and back is along the shoreline, so that really you are only about 20 feet from sure at any point!