Thursday, February 21, 2013


At 4pm, I would have said this day was unredeemable! Nothing dramatic, just one of those days that gets absolutely wasted for no good reason - I didn't sleep well, and then I napped and wasted time on the internet and generally just couldn't seem to buckle down to my work! (I don't actually tweet, with or without hashtags, but if I had today, I would have had one that just read "can't nap due to jackhammer in street outside #firstworldproblems.") By late afternoon it was clear to me that I had made myself so physically uncomfortable with the feeling of procrastinating that it truly would be easier just to give in and do some work. So I did, and it was great - got a very good hour-plus session in on the essay I am revising, then went to meet Liz for a frigid but hugely enjoyable Central Park loop. We ran hard enough to get the endorphins well and truly flowing, and had unseemly hilarity as we ate nutritionally sound fast food at Energy Kitchen. Have just had the longest hottest best shower EVER to try and warm back up. Extremely good day!

6.11mi./1:00:44/9:57 avg pace (avg HR 148, max HR 158)

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