Saturday, September 13, 2008

Swim links

An interesting piece at the SGI website on the use of computational fluid dynamics analysis by the designers of the Speedo Fastskin. (That sounds highly technical, but it's full of interesting details concerning hydrodynamics and the shape of swimmers' bodies; link courtesy of my father!)

Also: an unusual stroke and stride...


ShirleyPerly said...

A long time ago I was involved in CFD climate modeling and we used to use SGIs for both number crunching as well as data visualization. Interesting to see what they're using them for now!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Did you know you had two CFD nerds who read your blog? Well now you do :-) Sometimes I wish I would have done something more fun like that with my skills but on the plus side I get to play outside in my lake instead of sit at a computer...