Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday masters swim

Ugh, really I just have a cold - not a terrible one, but no cold is a good cold. I would rather have had both sides of sinus at once - the time lag between the right side and the left side just spreads the whole thing out over many more days!

Swim went along these lines - and in fact I felt very good while swimming and very good while eating dinner afterwards, and then it was a resurgence of the ailment...

250 warmup

5 x 150 as 25 kick + 50 pull + 75 swim

4 x 100 as 25 head up + 25 catch-up + 25 6 kick 1 stroke + 25 swim

4 x 100 as 25 underwater, 25 fast

50 easy back

1850 yards total


Unknown said...

Drilly!! (But I see Coach Mike got that hypoxic set in.)

I usually feel that the head congestion clears out while swimming. It is a reprieve.

Feel better!

Steve Stenzel said...

Good luck with the cold! And nice workout!!