Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday run

A delightfully exhilarating one, in crazy rain conditions!

If I had realized how hard it was going to rain, I might not have gone out; but I am glad I did, it was enjoyable (cold and wet - exciting!) and there would have been no easy way to make it up later in the week (unless I skipped swimming later, which I am not willing to do).

7.75 miles, 1:12, avg HR 157 (9:17 pace - only actually I jogged over to the park and did the clockwise loop at more of a good clip, then jogged back - I think I was at marathon pace or faster for the main body of the run)

1. The Injinji toe socks are amazing, but even they cannot counteract the effect of several full immersions in ankle-deep puddles! I was soaked to the skin before even half a mile; it was really raining!

2. I am very lucky to have such a flexible job schedule that I can run mid-morning on a weekday if my heart so desires...

3. Running is delightful!

4. Marathon training works - it is amazing how much faster and more effortless my running is now than it was in the summer - now I will have to figure out how to really hold on to that speed over the winter...


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good one, in spite of the water falling from the sky!

Leah said...

Wow. I can't believe you ran outside today! You are hardcore! I just saw the Injinji toe socks in the new Runner's World and wondering about them...

ShirleyPerly said...

Good for you! You never know if it may rain on race day so I think it's good to do it in training at least once in a while. That way you know for sure you are waterproof :-)